
• P R O G R A M

November 18, 2024
Scientific program
Scientific program
Welcome Party with live folk musical group

November 19, 2024
Scientific program
Scientific program
Visit of Ballet or Opera in Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava

November 20, 2024
Scientific program
Scientific program

November 21, 2024
Scientific program
Conclusion of scientific programme of the conference

The competition of young researchers
The best work competition for young scientists under 35 years old:
The SSSI 2024 Organizing Committee declares the competition for young scientists.
The competition is organized for students and young scientists who take part in the conference. The work is registered for the competition in the Registration form.
Three works will be awarded by the following prizes:
1. prize 250 EUR
2. prize 150 EUR
3. prize 100 EUR

The competition of university students
This year, the organizers of the SSSI conference will also organize a competition for university students, including postgraduate students. The topic of the woks must be close to the conference topics.
– University students under the age of 25 and older students who have defended diploma theses that have not yet been published on other public professional forums can apply.
– The conference fee for these persons is €50 without food and accommodation. If you need food and accommodation, it can be ordered and paid for.
– Students and graduates can give lectures in English, Slovak and Czech language
– The abstracts of the contributions will be published in the conference abstracts with ISBN published in the press center of the UK.
– The full texts of the contributions may be published after their evaluation by one reviewer in the SSSI 2022 conference full text collection, which will be published in the press center of the University of Bratislava, or, in case of interest, in a selected journal of the Elsevier publishing house, where there will be at least two reviewers.

Súťaž študentov vysokých škôl
Organizátori konferencie SSSI tento rok usporiadajú aj súťaž študentov vysokých škôl vrátane postgraduálnych študentov. Téma prác musí byť blízka konferenčným témam.
– Prihlásiť sa môžu študenti VŠ do 25 rokov a aj starší, takí,  ktorí obhájili diplomové práce, ktoré doposiaľ neboli publikované na iných verejných odborných fórach.
– Konferenčné vložné pre tieto osoby je 50,- € bez stravy a ubytovania. V prípade potreby stravy a ubytovania,  je to možné objednať a doplatiť.
– Študenti a ukončení diplomanti môžu prednášať v anglickom, slovenskom a českom jazyku.
– Abstrakty príspevkov budú zverejnené v konferenčnom zborníku abstraktov s ISBN vydanom v tlačovom stredisku UK.
– Plné texty príspevkov môžu byť uverejnené po ich posúdení jedným posudzovateľom v zborníku plných textov konferencie SSSI 2022, ktorý vyjde v tlačovom stredisku UK Bratislava, alebo, v prípade záujmu vo vybranom časopise vydavateľstva Elsevier, kde však budú minimálne dvaja posudzovatelia.